WCBS and WINS in New York City are iconic call letters, so well known to the residents of that huge community. So what's it like to be the sales manager of two outstanding brands. Chad Lopez can answer that question because he's the person who occupies that chair. And, his success at his craft has earned him a spot as a 2013 Radio Wayne finalist.
CBS New York D.O.S. Jenn Donohue says Chad is one of the best sales executives I have ever worked with. He has a natural ability to manage and motivate sellers and clients. Chad gets in front of clients and agencies and continues to discuss big ideas and opportunities. He makes radio relevant and never presents the same old information. He also manages a huge sales force made up of nearly 50 sellers for both All News properties in New York and Yankees play by play. Chad is great at taking the ball and not only running with it, but bringing all players along with him. He makes our team better and he makes his sellers better every day." That is a huge compliment coming from one of Radio's Most Influential Women.
What is the key to being a successful sales manager today?
A manager?s success is measured by the attitude and success of his team. My team is a reflection of me. I make sure to impart ethics and business strategies that I have used and continue to use in my career.
What are the challenges of being a Sales Manager in 2013?
Radio as a medium is constantly evolving. We don?t just sell ?spots?. It is challenging trying to keep up with the evolution of radio. Radio in 2013 is much different from radio in past years. I make sure to be the Sales Manager of 2013 and beyond with my creativity and leadership.
What is your philosophy on dealing with and leading people?
I believe the key is to listen. Listening is one of the most effective tools in business whether you?re listening to a client or an employee. You learn much more when you listen. I also lead by example. If I ask my employees to be in the office at 8am daily I am in the office at 7:30am. It is important for them to know that I am equally as committed.
Give an example of a success story regarding you and one of your salespeople you are most proud of.
One of my AE?s calls on Cancer Treatment Centers of America. They consistently spend moderately on our station. Even so, this AE came to me with an idea of expanding their message on our property. We flew to Chicago to CTCA headquarters to meet with the CEO and VP of Marketing. It was a brilliant conversation not just about radio but about the industry as a whole and the direction in which it was headed. We pitched an ?Ask the Expert Takeover? feature in which the top doctors at CTCA would deliver informational tips related to research and the treatment of Cancer. This was a weekend only campaign which netted $425,000 over the course of eight (8) weeks. Knowledge of our brand and their industry certainly helped close this deal. I was proud of my AE for thinking outside of the box to secure untapped dollars from a consistent client.
Who do you admire (outside your family) and why?
I admire Dom Camera. He has been my mentor since we met in 1995. I worked as a buyer for Dom Camera Associates for five years during which Dom took me under his wing and taught me how to be a respectable businessman. I learned how to be a man of integrity in business while getting the job done from Dom Camera. He is a family man who managed to make both his personal and his profession his priorities. That was a valuable lesson that I certainly try to pass on to others.
Reach out to Chad and congratulate him on a job well done at WCBS and WINS in The Big Apple at chad.lopez@cbsradio.com
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