At times it looked like Jeff Smulyan was all alone. And that includes the radio industry. Smulyan's dogged determination to get FM chips in cell phones had become an obsession. Not only was he a one-man band pushing his chip idea to anyone who would listen, he was being laughed at and mocked by some in the wireless industry who said if the consumer wanted FM radio on their phones they would ask for it. Thanks to a deal Smulyan cut with Sprint, consumers will now have an opportunity to decide. And radio will have an opportunity to decide if they want to use this new platform to offer compelling content. Yes, Smulyan's company NextRadio will benefit if the FM chip becomes wildly successful. But so will radio if it gets on board. Here's our interview with Jeff Smulyan about the Sprint announcement.
Sprint announced Thursday that the NextRadio app can now be downloaded on the HTC One or HTC EVO 4G LTE through Google Play. The app will come preloaded on HTC One from Sprint for all new activations. The app allows users to listen to their local radio stations without using data.
For more information on the app go to http://www.nextradio.com/
Read the full Sprint release HERE
View the original article here
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