Mac Edwards has been with Beasley Broadcasting as a PD or manager since 1988, that's quite a run. Since 2007 he's the market manager for the company in Fayetteville, NC running six stations. Edwards is a 2013 Radio Ink Radio Wayne finalist. The awards will be presented at the Radio Show in Orlando next month. What makes a 39 year radio veteran and Radio Wayne Award Finalist tick? Let's find out.
25 year Beasley GSM Terry Ratliff says, "Edwards is the consummate team leader. He's a planner and challenges his staff to think strategically. The most important trait Mac possesses is the ability to empower his management team to lead and be responsible for their own destiny while being there for support and guidance.
Here are 5 Questions for Mac Edwards
What attracted you to management?
I?ve always had the desire to grow. As program director, I reached out to the sales department, the engineers, and the business office to offer assistance and acquire a better understanding of their duties and the challenges they faced. When Beasley gave me the opportunity in 1996 to move from PD of WKML-FM to become GM of newly acquired WFLB-FM, I jumped at the chance.
What is the key to being a successful market manager today?
Knowing and growing your team. As the industry takes major evolutionary steps, it is imperative that you rally your talent (on-air, sales, engineering) to embrace the changes and see the opportunities that are on the horizon for their stations, their clients, and their audience. It is a huge change in mind-set for many, and often requires individual coaching for maximum understanding and achievement.
What are the challenges of being a Market Manager?
Time. Time to comprehend new digital technologies and opportunities. Time to integrate these opportunities with traditional marketing plans for our advertisers and listeners. Time to give each member of our staff the attention they deserve to help them grow ? therefore growing our stations. More time in front of our clients. And, time to look forward with an eye on being at the forefront of the next wave of changes in our business.
What is your philosophy on dealing with and leading people?
It?s very old school ? treat your staff the way you expect to be treated. Be direct when setting expectations or when disciplining ? but be respectful. Be quick to cheer a job well-done ? and do it loudly ? watch ?em smile! Quietly and privately correct performance issues ? no one wants to be embarrassed. Don?t be afraid to show or tell members of your team that you believe in them. (You may be the only source of such encouragement in their life!) Take time to listen to your people ? you?ll learn something! Don?t let personnel problems simmer -- they only get worse----always.
Who do you admire (outside your family) and why?
George Beasley who is the perfect example of how to believe in yourself, work hard, be daring, and achieve the American dream! Former GM?s Ron Brown and Danny Highsmith who encouraged and cajoled a young programmer to embrace sales & clients, get involved in my community, and learn how to construct a budget! And, the late Jeff Brock (partner in Graham-Brock Engineering Consultants ? deceased October 2012) who was brilliant, engaging, funny, and dedicated to success in everything from his business to his kid?s softball games! A good man ? a best friend ? and deeply missed by many in our industry.
Reach out to make to congratulate him on his nearly four decades of radio success mac@bbgi.com
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