The death was sudden, according to Des Moines media reports. The morning news anchor (pictured right) was on the air Friday. News Director Jim Boyd writes, "There is a hole right now in the WHO Radio Family...a hole that won't close easily; and there is a chair in our newsroom that will be very, very difficult to fill. That's what happens when you have a man the caliber of Dick Layman on your team. Our prayers go out to his wife, Janet, and daughter Meredith."
"Dick Layman has been known throughout central Iowa for 16 years for that deep resonant voice that brought you the overnight developments and stories that you needed to know about to get your day started. Dick was also from the old school of broadcast journalism. The school that said 'confirm and reconfirm the facts' before they would be put into a story for you to hear. He cared about content and quality. But he also was someone who could take the most complicated of stories and boil them down to the bare fact so you could understand it...and to do so at times in 20 seconds or less."
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