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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

February 2016 PPM Analysis: Alternative

February 2016 PPM Analysis: Alternative
Mar 23rd 2016, 11:58, by radioinfo
By Mike Kinosian
Managing Editor
kinosian (2)LOS ANGELES Three formats possessing some degree of a "rock" foundation are included in our thorough overview of February 2016 PPM results.
Getting us started is alternative – occasionally referred to as "modern rock" or "new rock."
Waiting in the wings are detailed summaries of mainstream rock (tomorrow, Thursday 3/24) and triple A (Friday, 3/25).
Facilities that rank in the top 20 in a PPM market (6+, February 2016) comprise the following alternative scoreboards.
Nielsen Audio only releases audience estimates for facilities that subscribe to its services, so owing to that reason, ratings stats in this exclusive RadioInfo analysis are limited to stations that pay Nielsen Audio for its data.
Kinosian - Alt - 1Kinosian - Alt - 2 Kinosian - Alt - 3 Kinosian - Alt - 4Kinosian - Alt - 5 Kinosian - Alt - 6
Mainstream rock is the next format to be summarized.
Email RadioInfo managing editor Mike Kinosian at