The votes have been tallied and the results are in. Radio Ink readers - and perhaps a handful of Biondi listeners - believe Dick Biondi was the greatest DJ of the 1960's. Biondi was followed by Cousin Brucie, The Real Don Steele, Larry Lujack and Dan Ingram in the top five. Biondi had our poll listed on his website (he's still on the air in Chicago) and that generated some additional votes for our unscientific poll.
Our thanks to everyone who took the time to vote and post comments about their 1960's radio memories (HERE) and to Lee Abrams of putting together the list. he took a lot of heat for names readers believed were left off and we appreciate that we didn't have to take that heat. Here is how your votes landed the top ten jocks...
#1 Dick Biondi
#2 Cousin Brucie
#3 The Real Don Steele
#4 Larry Lujack
#5 Dan Ingram
#6 Art Roberts
#7 Rick Shaw
#8 Jack Gayle
#9 Jack Armstrong
#10 Dr. Don Rose
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