The feds were quick to release information about the EAS test Wednesday, wanting to get in front of any possible criticsm if there were areas where the test did not go well. A joint statement was released by the FCC and FEMA. ?The Nationwide EAS Test served the purpose for which it was intended ? to identify gaps and generate a comprehensive set of data to help strengthen our ability to communicate during real emergencies. Based on preliminary data, media outlets in large portions of the country successfully received the test message, but wasn?t received by some viewers or listeners. We are currently in the process of collecting and analyzing data, and will reach a conclusion when that process is complete.?
FEMA's Damon Penn and Jamie Barnett with the FCC also put out the following:
- First, as we have explained throughout this process, the value of the test is in its assessment function. We were able to accomplish that today?in a comprehensive way.
- The goal of this test has always been to do exactly what happened ? to test this decades-old system to see what works well, and what upgrades or changes are needed as we further work to modernize our nation?s public alert and warning system.
- This test was the first time we have been able to identify where the system works, where it doesn?t, and what additional improvements need to be made as we move forward. It?s only through comprehensively testing, analyzing, and improving these technologies that we can ensure the most effective and reliable emergency alert and warning systems available at a moment?s notice in a time of real national emergency.
- Second, it will take some time to assess the full results of today?s test. The FCC and FEMA are currently collecting preliminary data about the results, and under the FCC?s rules, participants in today?s test have 45 days to report back the full results of their test experience. - Over 30,000 communications service providers participated in the test, including broadcast stations, cable system operators, satellite radio and television and wireline video service providers.
- Over the next several weeks, these service providers will be providing test result data to the FCC and we will continue working closely with our many other stakeholders to get their feedback on how the test was received. It?s important that both the news media, all our stakeholders, and the public understand that it will take some time to fully analyze the effectiveness of the test and what improvements are needed.
(11/10/2011 6:03:01 AM)
This was a very good idea...to quantify they situation that many of us in the studios already knew...in the case of a severe emergency, some stations are gonna fall through the cracks. When you add the fact that MANY radio stations are working with minimal or no crews sometimes, this is a recipe for disaster. You know there is a limited number of radio stations...if a company cannot field a full staff and serve their community properly, then a test like this should serve as a springboard to put in some new rules, and possibly force the divestiture or these stations that are just not important enough to their owners to run properly.
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