Politico is reporting that Des Moines talk show hest Steve Deace is now accusing Herman Cain of inappropriate comments. Deace told Politico Cain said "awkward" and "inappropriate" things to the staff at his station. "Like awkward/inappropriate things he's said to two females on my staff, that the fact the guy's wife is never around...that's almost always a warning flag to me."
Deace also told Politico "Many a man has been done in by the inability to control his urges. I am no different and just as vulnerable as any other man, which is why I put safeguards around me and hold myself accountable to my wife and other men in my life. Especially since I have very talented employees that happen to be women. I go out of my way to treat them like my sisters. For example, I wouldn't tell them or any other woman I am not married to nor related to how pretty she is."
Read the entire Politico piece HERE
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