In an effort to pay tribute to the men and women who have fought for our country and give back to those who have incurred a catastrophic injury, AM570 FOX Sports Los Angeles will honor U.S. military veterans today with its 4th Annual commercial-free radiothon from 12:00 p.m. ? 7:00 p.m. PT. AM570 FOX Sports Los Angeles has set a goal of $120,000 and all proceeds will benefit the Paralyzed Veterans of America .
The PVA is an organization dedicated to providing veterans? rehabilitation, access to medical services, job training, and continuing research in finding a cure for paralysis. The station is encouraging listeners to reflect on all the securities our nation?s military has provided to this great country, and to let our veterans know how much we value their service. ?This is a chance to give back to our family members, friends, neighbors and fellow Americans who have become paralyzed while fighting for our freedoms,? commented AM570 FOX Sports LA?s General Manager Don Martin. ?This is our way of giving thanks for their ultimate sacrifice.?
In conjunction with the live radio-thon, AM570 FOX Sports Los Angeles has created a silent online auction at www.am570radio.com. There are unique items up for bid including autographed sports memorabilia and exclusive opportunities to experience the greatest sporting events in the world. Donations are currently being accepted online at http://www.pva.org/klac and the phone lines will open at noon on November 9th at (818) 524-2930. Each item purchased will benefit the Paralyzed Veterans of America, so ?Help a Hero? and help give them a second chance at life.
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