"In 21 years in radio I have had the fortune of working at only 2 stations.....both of them Legendary. I started my career at 97 WLAV-FM in Grand Rapids, Michigan hosting my own Morning Show. Then I made the jump to Dallas to 96.3 KSCS. The highly rated and successful "Dorsey Gang Morning Show" is the longest running morning show on the FM dial in Dallas. That is where I've been making people laugh for the last 17 years. You name it, I've done it at KSCS. Reach me at: monty@airmail.net
96.3 KSCS Dallas / Fort Worth
M-F 5:30am ? 10am
Since 1994 you have come to know him as the Crazy Guy with The Dorsey Gang Morning Show. Yes, he is the guy that will do just about anything. He?s been tazered, pepper sprayed, attacked by police dogs, ridden in a clothes dryer, and buried alive. He?s always said, ?Life is not a spectator sport. You have to participate to fully appreciate all the finer things in life?. A native of Olney, Illinois, Brother Van grew up in Columbus, Ohio where he graduated from Ohio State University. After a short stint as a media production teacher in Holland, Michigan, he spent 10 years working as an Entertainment Director and Wrangler at the ?Double JJ Dude Ranch? in Western Michigan. It was there that he was discovered by 97 WLAV FM in Grand Rapids and got his first job in radio hosting his own morning show.
Brother Van still has a love for horses and also enjoys going to the movies. However, he most enjoys spending time with his family. This year he will be celebrating his 24th Wedding Anniversary with his lovely wife Sheri. She has always said that Brother Van is her third child and that she is not saving up for college for their other two kids but for ?Therapy?. Long time listeners to 96.3 KSCS remember when his kids were born. His son, Dalton, who he used to call ?Mini-Van? is not so ?Mini? anymore. He is now 15 years old, 6?5?, and at the age of 4 already decided to go to UT. His daughter, Lyndle, who he used to call ?Custom-Van? is his little princess. She is now 12 years old, loves horses like her daddy, and has already decided that school is not for her and plans to run away with the circus. Brother Van attributes his success to his great Christian Parents. ?It?s their faith and unwavering beliefs that laid down the foundation for everything that I Love and hold on to dearly today.? He devotes much of his community service endeavors to his Church and Special Olympics.
Brother Van loves doing personal appearances ranging from live broadcasts, club appearances, movie screenings, charity events and anything defined as strange and out of the ordinary. ?I?d like to consider you more than just a fan??but as a Friend!
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