Katz Marketing Solutions commissioned the study from Ipsos OTX MediaCT. It's an on-going evaluation of radio campaigns and the first results conclude radio has a positive impact on consumer?s at all stages of the purchase funnel. The study compared results from people who had listened to at least one of the stations included in the campaign with a control group of people in the same markets who had not listened to those stations. Numerous brand metrics were included as well as questions that focused on the ads themselves.
Stronger campaigns used ads with greater emotional power. This finding throws a challenge to creatives developing radio spots to generate ideas and content for ads that go beyond information and connect with the consumer. President of Katz Marketing Solutions Bob McCurdy says ?We?re determined to provide advertisers with empirical proof of performance illustrating how radio positively impacts the five key branding metrics. These studies have confirmed what we?ve always have known to be true, that radio works and that its ability to positively impact marketing campaigns is far greater than its cost.?
Here are some of the findings from the study
- Radio can impact brands all along the purchase funnel
- Radio can be used to improve a brand at stages all the way from creating awareness to enhancing the likelihood that the consumer will recommend the brand to a friend. It is a versatile tool that can be used to meet a variety of objectives
- Radio works across a variety of categories
- Campaigns for movies, financial services, retail, consumer durables and fast food have been evaluated so far. All of them showed stronger results among radio station listeners than the control group of non-listeners. And as noted above, improvement was seen on multiple brand measures for all the campaigns.
- Radio ads need to work at an emotional level as well as a rational one
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