On a day the Dow rose 1.76%, steady Ed Christian's SAGA Communications stock shot up nearly 5%. At the close SGA was at a very respectable $37.39 and the stock is inching back toward its 52-week high of $40.00. Saga's year-to-date performance is plus 45% and about a year ago the stock was trading at about $20.00. By comparison to some of radio's other broadcasters the SAGA stock is a very bright spot. Cumulus is at $3.00 (down 31% YTD), Entercom is at $5.84, (down 50% YTD) and Salem is at $2.50 (down 24% YTD). 2011 probably could not end fast enough for some radio executives, with tough political comps from 2010 hampering the outlook for Q4 in 2011. However, 2012 promises to be another record political year in terms of advertising dollars spent and the sooner 2012 arrives the sooner radio CEO's can delete the word "flat" from their quarterly conference call opening statements.
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