by Dan Halyburton
Everyday sees a new app for the iPhone and Android. The apps range from serious to silly. File FlipZu in the seriously cool category with some great potential for talent who want to engage their audience in a very personal way. FlipZu is a free personal audio streaming app that lets you go ?live? with an audio broadcast and tells your social circle to join you for the fun.
Instant one to one broadcasts from any place at anytime. I can think of a ton of creative, one to one uses for FlipZu. I hear an on air staffer filing reports from the lawn at a big concert or broadcasting a funny bit from the drive thru at Jack in the Box. A news staffer (there have to be a couple left) can file and post instant reports from the scene of a breaking story.
When you log into FlipZu using Twitter or Facebook, your broadcast will post as ?LIVE? A link will return your listener to your ?broadcast?. When the show is over, a recording of the broadcast is ready for playback. The early users of the app appear to be Spanish speakers but Robert Scoble (well known tech evangelist) has found it and is posting with FlipZu. Now the ?social? component can kick in.
Create a unique Twitter account and focus your broadcasts by personality or create a Facebook fan page with a targeted use. I would keep this as voice only for quality reasons (sounds decent) and to keep Sound Exchange away from your door. Now get out there, have some fun and innovate. You have a microphone and transmitter in the palm of your hand. Let me know, how you will FlipZu?
DanHalyburton is EVP McVay Cook and Associates and can be reached at 214-707-7237. Follow Dan @danhalyburton. E-mal Dan at dan@halyburton.com
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