December 5, 2011: ASCAP and the Radio Music License Committee have come to a settlement in principle that will, when finalized, put radio back on a revenue-based fee structure while expanding coverage for distribution platforms like the Internet and smartphones and other wireless devices. The RMLC represents more than 10,000 radio stations.
The new settlement covers 2010-1016 and will also, says ASCAP, "greatly simplifies the reporting process and administrative burden through electronic filing."
"This is a gratifying result for the radio industry, which reflects the current realities of our industry and puts the industry back on sound footing insofar as its licensing relationships with ASCAP are concerned," said Saga CEO Ed Christian, who chairs the RMLC. "We appreciate the goodwill which ASCAP has demonstrated in working with our industry to get this resolution."
ASCAP CEO John LoFrumento said, "The process of building this agreement was based on mutual trust and appreciation, and reflected both sides' clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities we each see for the future. I want to thank the Radio Music License Committee for its creative approach in respecting the value provided by music creators in our negotiations."
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