The legendary Jack Trout, author of many books, including Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, Marketing Warfare and The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, was on the cover of Radio Ink in January of 1996. Trout is recognized as one of the greatest marketing minds of this generation and he's still going strong, his most recent book is called Repositioning. Greater Media Buzz Knight is the Vice President of Program Development for Greater Media Buzz Knight caught up with Trout for Radio Ink. He touched on how advertising has changed, how the battle for the mind is more competitive and how radio is never sold properly. Listen to our interview.
(3/29/2012 8:32:20 PM)
Radio has both audiences and advertisers as customers. Audiences invest time and clients invest dollars.
I suspect someone who is good a 'rithmetic could figure out some pretty convincing equivalencies.
(3/29/2012 1:18:09 PM)
gets down to the real question:
who is radio's customer? listeners or local business?
listeners don't buy, they consume.
and are moving to newer media, games and social forums.
everyone who says local business.... what's your product going to have to look like. It's always about CONTENT.
(3/28/2012 10:27:27 PM)
I got the impression that Jack just didn't have the heart to share with Buzz that Radio no longer has a story and that there are few, if any, distinctions that can be made in order for a station to claim a primary position in the minds of an audience. We can't build an interesting or compelling campaign for our own local advertisers - never mind for ourselves.
Otherwise, thanks to Buzz for getting with the guy - the Legend - and providing the chat here.
Meanwhile the boys and girls of Radio are still scurrying around like ferrets trying to implement "Branding" strategies... as if they had one. (A Brand, I mean.)
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