Rush Limbaugh says listeners have been asking him how they can mobilize and help him combat the attacks coming his way after the Sandra Fluke comments. He's found a way...Twitter. Rush, who's been on Facebook for a while and has over 1 Million likes, has now decided he wants to be on Twitter. His Twitter handle is @RushLimbaugh. Rush says he's going to find interesting articles or information about the Fluke incident that people are saying about him, post it on Twitter, and ask his followers to retweet.
"There are just some things I want people to see, some things I want to share with people -- both items in the news and things going on with this asinine circumstance/situation with me -- that are important for people to see. I'm not gonna waste time on the radio reading word-for-word some of these things but they're really worth people seeing, and being informed about."
(3/17/2012 10:45:30 AM)
who lies any more than the so call president ..thank you Rush .
(3/17/2012 1:36:21 AM)
Hang in there Rush Dont let them tare you down because we need you to keep us informed on what is going on .we love you down here in southcarolina home of Bobby Mcclain
(3/16/2012 11:48:13 AM)
Nw we can refer to Rush as "The Twitter Twit"!
(3/16/2012 7:51:41 AM)
There is a reason there are laws in this great nation against slander and defamation...just because someone agrees with his vile lies and spreads them still does not make it right or true.
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