We radio folks generally know what people expect from us on the air, and stay focused on that. On our websites, however, we often have a mish-mosh of content. Doesn?t matter whether it fits our brand, or helps bring in revenue, or turns into a digital destination for fans. There it is, anyway. Here are some key parts of your website that listeners expect to find, and want to use. They all have potential revenue tie-ins, and you can be promoting them on your own air. They are also so un-sexy as to have been largely lost in our crusade for ?compelling content.?
Your online stream should be one of your most popular website features. Some smart radio stations are putting their ?Listen Live? link in their website header, so it shows up on every page. Now that we?re getting more listening on computers, tablets and phones, promoting your stream on your broadcast is a useful listener benefit. ?Now you can hear us on your radio, on your computer and on your smartphone, too.? This also has big revenue potential for you, as I covered in last week?s column, which you can read here.
Listeners assume you have a list of songs you played on the air at your website. Make sure they can find it ? then, sponsor it and promote it on your air! Most corporately-built websites have this module, allowing you to see what just played, or do some searching back in time. Sometimes, you can do other things, like buy the mp3 or watch the video.
If you don?t have this feature, you can get code from yes.net to build it into your site. Too often, this is a tiny link that?s hard to find. Make sure your fans can see this on your front page, and they?ll use it.
For years, people have relied on us on ideas for fun things to do. Listeners now expect to find this information on your website. In this list, include concerts and other events, big and small, that your brand is a part of. Also include info about fun things that your fans like to do. This list should be targeted and limited; don?t include every charitable event going on in town. Make it easy to use and peruse. Then, when you talk on the air about things going on in town, tell people they can learn more at your online event guide. The traffic you generate will make this a popular page to sponsor.
Most morning show blogs are everything BUT what they talked about on the air. Meanwhile, their fans expect to find more about what they DID talk about ? or a chance to weigh in with an opinion. Get your entertaining or funny morning show to focus on making their page a re-creation of each day?s show. If they want to do more, tell them to start promoting what they?re going to do tomorrow. Then, during the show, you can send people to the website to engage more fully with you. You might even find some web-savvy sponsors who understand the benefit of being both on your air and on the morning show web page.
Chris Miller has been a major-market PD in Atlanta, Portland and Cleveland. He now operates Chris Miller Digital, which he launched. Visit his website at www.chrismillerdigital.com.
Contact Chris via e-mail, chris@chrismillerdigital.com or 216-236-3955.
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