March 21, 2012:
President of CBS Local Digital Media Ezra Kucharz has been named the winner of the 2012 Borrell Award of Merit, presented annually to an executive who has "fostered and driven significant change" within an organization." Kucharz, who oversees digital ventures for CBS's 158 TV and radio stations, was recognized for "intelligence, innovation, and most of all the execution of strategies within a big legacy media company."
Borrell & Associates CEO Gordon Borrell said, "We've seen firsthand how difficult it is for 'old media' to understand the business model of new media. There's a revolving door for innovators at a lot of these companies because it's hard for them to stomach real change. In two short years Ezra has been able to move one of those very large battleships, mobilizing a sales force of more than 1,600 and an incredibly diverse group of radio and TV people to work collectively at CBS to seize the bigger opportunities on the Internet. What he's been able to do with the full support of CBS have been remarkable and should become a model for other media going forward."
The award was presented at Borrell's Local Online Advertising Conference in New York.
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