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How would you like to be able to pick the brains of three of the best minds in the business and ask them how to make your radio station shine? That's exactly what we've done and that information is now available for you to listen here or download from iTunes. We asked Lee Abrams, Dave Richards and and Randy Lane what it's going to take to Make Great Radio in 2012 and beyond. Here's your chance to gain valuable information for your station. An opportunity to get an edge up on the competition.
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Pictured left to right:
Lee Abrams is a legendary radio programmer who has also as been XM Radio's Chief Programming Officer and at the Tribune Company
Randy Lane is the owner of the The Randy Lane Company
Dave Richards is the Vice President of Programming and Operations for Entercom in Seattle
(1/28/2012 2:17:36 PM)
You make some very, very good points, Ronald! Well said!
(1/20/2012 12:10:10 AM)
Based on the comments of three very heavy and smart Radio guys, the prognosis ain't great.
"Creativity" from those who are afraid to try it - and may be unable to produce it.
"Viability" that may also be passed off or smuggled through Customs to a "local" audience as "Content".
"Mind Reading" what an audience wants - as if that would be a source of credible or useful information and based on the idea that such a behavior is even possible in the first place. (Research...anyone?)
Attempting to attract and hold an audience with Jocks who spend, maybe, 3 minutes an hour on the air - most of which is taken up by banal, self-congratulatory chest-beating on behalf of the station and other house cleaning chores.
An audience with a (presumed) attention-span of a gnat - all bundled with massive, station incompetencies in the digital world.
Add to that an empty room of people who find being on the air in contemporary Music Radio a worthwhile vocations for a grown up.
Maybe it's supposed to go unsaid, but none of the guys mentioned The Prime Directive of every Radio station in this quadrant.
Oh, yeah! There's work to be done.
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