Tom Webster (pictured) of Edison Research writes in his blog, "the weekly usage of Internet radio (which includes both the online streams of terrestrial broadcasters and streams from pure-play streamers such as Pandora) has increased from 22% of Americans 12+ in 2011 to 29% in 2012 ? a jump of over 30%. This is a number that we are accustomed to seeing grow bit by bit each year, but this is the largest year-over-year increase we?ve seen since we began tracking this stat in 1998." Webster writes the growth is due mainly to the smartphone.
"Smartphones have changed the game here from music as active entertainment choice to music as the quite literal soundtrack to your life," Webster says. On April 10th, Edison and Arbitron will release The Infinite Dial 2012: Navigating Digital Platforms. It's the 20th time this study as come out. It examines America?s media and technology consumption habits. "We?ll reveal our number on April 10th, but let?s just say that the percentage of Americans ? mainstream Americans ? who now own smartphones is going to show some growth, to put it mildly."
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