Rush Limbaugh was back at it again yesterday. After spending Monday, off the air, at a charity golf event in Palm Beach, Rush told his audience the recently released low poll numbers of President Obama show the left's attempt to use him to bolster their chances to win in November have backfired. President Obama called Sandra Fluke to console her after Rush made the remarks he later apologized for. Other Democrats were quick to jump in and try to use the story to their political advantage only to find a week later the President's poll numbers are sinking.
Just last week, Sally Quinn said, :Obama has just been given a huge gift by the Republicans, and by the Religious Right, and by Rush Limbaugh." Rush took the new Presidential poll numbers and ran with them yesterday. "He has 41% approval one week after they were all doing handstands, one week after they were all celebrating the "Rush Limbaugh comment." One week and Obama has hit all-time lows in his approval and all-time highs in his disapproval."
Rush has been propped up as the head of the Republican party many times by Democrats who claim the party is off somewhere to the extreme right. In all probability, voters are more upset with high gas prices and setbacks in Afghanistan as election day draws closer. Rush also played sound bites from the National Organization for Women (who he often refers to as NAGS - National Association of Gals) who he said were not bothered by his remarks. The clip had the head of the organization taking a shot at Rush and the audience could he heard chuckling at her remarks.
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