April 16, 2012
Gabe Hobbs, former SVP/programming for News, Talk and Sports at Clear Channel Radio, joins the Daniel Anstandig-led Listener Driven Radio as a strategic advisor. Hobbs will be working with LDR on the long-term development of the new LDR.TopicPulse, which scans news sources, blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other social media, and generates real-time reports that News/Talk producers can use to judge hot and trending topics.
LDR CEO Anstandig said, "Gabe Hobbs is one of the most respected names in the industry when it comes to News/Talk programming. His vision and insights are key in achieving success with our systems for spoken word radio."
Along with his stint with Clear Channel from 1998-2008, Hobbs has served as a consultant to Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Program, The Glenn Beck Show, The Dr. Laura Program, and Jason Lewis. He also worked on the launch of Fox Sports Radio in 2000 and remained an advisor to the network for eight years.
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