April 17, 2012
Buzz Knight, VP of program development at Greater Media, will lead the opening panel, "Radio: A 2015 View -- The Digital Dashboard and Beyond," at Radio Ink's Convergence 12, set for June 4-5 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Silicon Valley. Also on the panel will be Jacobs Media President Fred Jacobs and Toyota Motor Sales VP/Advanced Technology Dept. Jon Bucci, with more to be announced.
The digital dashboard is already reinventing how consumers access and use media in automobiles. It's no longer about the future, it is about today.
Knight says, "We all need to spend time thinking about the future of our business. We need actual time spent-- not just a couple of quick, 20,000-foot-view meetings. Attending Convergence 12, in the heart of Technology Central, Silicon Valley, is a perfect place to invest your time. Convergence 12 will bring industry thought leaders together with thought leaders outside our industry together to stimulate your brain .You'll get a bird's-eye view of the dizzying pace of change as it relates to radio's delivery via the dashboard with the panel 'Radio: A 2015 View -- The Digital Dashboard and Beyond.' Fred Jacobs, Jon Bucci, and more panelists to be announced will make sense of it all."
Get more information and register for Convergence at www.radioinkconvergence.com.
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