(by Buzz Knight) The pace at radio stations across America is dizzying. Christmas seems like yesterday. We are about to reach the end of the first quarter. Time flies when you're zooming through the day. Now is an appropriate time to take a pause and evaluate your performance. Here's a checklist to assist you as you take an up-close and personal look at how you're doing:
1) Are you running technology or is technology running you?
Evaluate yourself honestly in this area. Are you so fixated with your smartphone, IPAD or laptop that you don't allow yourself to actually think? Have you become such a slave to social media that you no longer have live interaction with those around you?
2) Is your personal or organization's performance incrementally better in ways that you can see and measure from last quarter?
Quarterly ratings evaluations are only partly relevant due to Christmas patterns, so year to year reviews can be more valuable. Have you set personal performance goals that you can see the difference?
3) Have you chosen a specific group of staffers to mentor and has their performance improved?
This group should not only consist of a challenged group, but should also consist of an up and coming group of individuals that hold great promise and can benefit you with growth.
4) Have you prioritized a second quarter plan and is it still relevant?
Have all the individuals involved with your plan been aligned with the strategy and do they have the tools needed to accomplish the mission?
5) Are you encouraging your teams throughout the radio station to have healthy debate in an effort to make your product better?
Are all of the issues or opportunities out on the table for your brands?
At the end of the day, its' your job to get everyone on the bus and enjoy the ride! I'm sure there's a deeper checklist to help you focus your internal vibe but simplicity of action can be your best place to start.
Buzz Knight is the Vice President of Program Development for Greater Media and he can be reached at bknight@greatermediaboston.com. Knight was named among ?Best Programmers? by Radio Ink Magazine in 2007 and 2010. He has served on the programming subcommittee of the National Association of Broadcasters(NAB) and is currently a member of the Arbitron Radio Advisory Council and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) COLRAM Committee.
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