April 11, 2012
So your prospect says they like your presentation, and they want to present it to a board, partner, or solicit a co-sponsor. Don?t let that happen! Only you can make that presentation effectively. Keep these things in mind:
1) No one knows your product, or has the passion for your product, like you.
2) There may be questions the board/partner/sponsor has that your contact can?t answer, further stalling the sale.
3) A camel is a horse made by a committee. Your presentation can really be compromised or get bogged down when others are involved.
4) If there are objections, you need to be there to handle them.
When you encounter someone who is trying to sell your proposal to others, simply say, ?Great idea! Can I arrange to be there to help you and to answer any questions that may come up that you might not be able to answer??
If they answer ?yes,? get the names/titles/positions of those you?ll be presenting to. Check out their websites, do your homework, and revise the presentation to address any needs or concerns you discover these key-influencers or committee members might have. Don?t hesitate to ask permission to call each of the participants to ask them a few pre-presentation questions.
At the presentation, make sure you make eye contact with every individual, appeal to each participant?s buyer style, and give everyone the opportunity to ask questions and present ideas. And give everyone in attendance a copy of your presentation.
As you get to know the other decision makers in the room, you may also uncover additional individual sales opportunities among them. If there are others to be presented to who are not in your market, offer to do the presentation for them online via a service like GoToMeeting.
Odds are, if your client says ?no? to you helping make the presentation, they weren?t really going to present your presentation at all, and they were going to use the other parties as their scapegoat when they say ?no? to you.
No one can sell your ideas as well as you!
For more articles from Wayne Ens go HERE
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Wayne Ens is president of ENS Media Inc and can be reached via e-mail wayne@wensmedia.com
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