Station management at Townsquare's ESPN Radio in Albany say they are investigating who might have perpetrated a hoax on host Mike Lindsley. The station allowed a caller who claimed to be ex New York Yankee Shane Spencer (pictured) on the air, who then claimed he took steroids. The caller was not Spencer and the entire half hour conversation was a lie. Spencer heard about the interview and sent a statement to the Michael Kay show at ESPN Radio in New York where he said he never took part in any call with Lindsley. ESPN Albany PD Stephen Giuttari is quoted in reports saying, "We just want to do the right thing by Shane Spencer.''
Spencer told Kay, "I am hearing about this interview from friends, family, former teammates, and fans. It is very disappointing that someone was able to go on the air as me and speak for me about these topics. I would like to set the record straight that the interview was not done with me and all the opinions were not mine.'' Spencer played on between 1998 and 2002. A podcast of the interview, with host Mike Lindsley of ESPN Radio 104.5 The Team, remained on the station's website until nearly 6 p.m. Tuesday until it was taken down after the hoax was discovered.
"I listened to #the interview# for about a minute and I about threw up,'' Spencer told ESPNNewYork.com by telephone Tuesday night. "I just want it out there that it wasn't me.''
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