According to BIA/Kelsey the number one deal of 2014 was the $131 million Emmis purchase of WBLS and WLIB from YMF Media in New York City back in February. The four Wilks stations in Kansas City sold to Steel City Media for $105.5 million was the second largest deal, and, the recently announced Entercom purchase of 15 stations from Lincoln Financial Media was the third largest. The remaining seven deals in the top 10 were all for less than $100 million. Here they are....
#4) Midwest Communications purchases 9 stations from South Central for $72 million
#5) Digity swallows up 48 stations from Three Eagles for $66.5 million
#6) Alpha purchases 19 stations from Main Line Broadcasting for $57 million
#7) Connoisseur Media grabs two Long Island stations from Qantum for an even $50 million
#8) Family Stations purchases one from ABC/Disney for $12.95 million
#9) Davidzon Radio purchases one from Blackstrap broadcasting for $12.5 million
#100 Riviera Broadcasting purchases one from Trumper Communications for $11.27 million
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