Chief Creative Officer at Y&R Jim Elliott will be the Chief Judge for the 24th annual Radio Mercury Awards awards competition. The awards are being held in New York City on June 3, 2015. RAB President and CEO Erica Farber said, "We're so privileged to have Jim Elliott as this year's Chief Judge for the Radio Mercury Awards. Jim has a true appetite for exceptionally creative radio and has shown a commitment to transport the medium to new levels of excellence." Also, radio stations, production companies, colleges, universities, and advertisers can now submit their creative spots and ad campaigns for the 2015 awards.
Nineteen prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Five Agency Production Single, Two Radio Station Produced Single, Student Produced Single, Public Service Announcement, Spanish Language Single, Five Radio Campaigns, Spanish Language Campaign, Best Use of Radio in an Integrated Campaign with Radio, Best Innovative Use of Radio, and Best Radio Promotion of the Year, along with the $50,000 Best of Show. The deadline for this year's call for entry is Monday, April 6, 2015. This year's awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 in New York City. For more information regarding rules, guidelines, entry fees, and entry deadlines, log onto www.radiomercuryawards.com.
Jim Elliott joined Y&R NY as Chief Creative Officer in June of 2011 where he has overseen work for such internationally known brands as Land Rover, Campbell Soup Company, and Dell. Prior to Y&R, Jim served as Group Creative Director at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners SF, where he spent five years working on key clients including H?agen-Dazs, Hyundai, Denny's, HP, Netflix and Yahoo! Along the way, he earned the distinction as one of the agency's most awarded creatives. His work for Hyundai helped turn the struggling car manufacturer into one of the most successful car companies in America during one of the worst economic climates on record.