ROWAN MEDIA INC. is selling News-Talk WSTP-A/SALISBURY, NC to WILLIAM MARC GRAHAM's 2B PRODUCTIONS, LLC for $236,000 ($201,000 in a 96-month promissory note). The station's real property is being sold by TIMOTHY H. COATES and LISA B. COATES to STATESVILLE BLVD. LLC for $75,000 plus cancellation by NEWBRIDGE BANK of a secured loan.
In another filing with the FCC, VIC MICHAEL's CEDAR COVE BROADCASTING, INC. is requesting an extension of its Silent STA for KIHI/BURNS, WY while it makes repairs to its transmission system.
And low-power FM construction permits have been granted to:
ONLINE JOURNALISM PROJECT, INC., NEW HAVEN, CTNESKAYA, FRANCONIA, NHIGLESIA CASA DE MILAGROS, SEATTLE, WAPEQUENAS LIGAS HISPANAS DE NEW HAVEN INC., NEW HAVEN, CTThe Commission also denied JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY's Application for Review of the grant of a new noncommercial educational FM to ANNISTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH at ANNISTON, AL over its mutually exclusive application for the same community. The winning applicant was initially rejected for failing to satisfy the "third test" for channel reservation, under which "an applicant must propose to provide a first or second NCE service to at least 10% of the population within the proposed station’s service area and this first or second NCE service must reach at least 2,000 people."
After the rejection, ASDA filed for reconsideration and added a technical amendment to cure the deficiency, and the Media Bureau granted the application. JSU contended that the Bureau should not have permitted ASDA to cure its application because the Bureau, contrary to its ruling, had given notice that such a curative application would not be permitted, but the Bureau disagreed, saying that it had never addressed whether the third filing standard would serve as a minimum filing requirement.
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