Beasley Consolidates Charlotte Radio
BEASLEY BROADCAST GROUP, which acquired seven CHARLOTTE radio stations earlier this month from CBS RADIO (NET NEWS, 12/1), has laid off a number of employees, the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER reports. BEASLEY/CHARLOTTE Market Manager BILL SCHOENING withheld comment, as several of the affected workers admitted to being surprised that their jobs were eliminated a week before CHRISTMAS.
BEASLEY stations include Urban WPEG-F (POWER 98); Urban/UAC WBAV-F (V101.9), Country WSOC (103.7), SportsTalkers WFNZ-A (FAN 610) and WBCN-A (1660) and Top 40s WKQC (K104.7) and WNKS (KISS 95.1). About 200 people, full- and part-time, worked at the BEASLEY studios in CHARLOTTE before the layoffs.
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