Neil Portnow is the CEO of the Recording Academy. On Tuesday he testified before Congress that comprehensive music licensing reform must include a performance fee on radio. Portnow tells Radio Ink that while he's a big fan and friend of radio, it remains the only industry in America that?s built on using another?s intellectual property without permission or compensation. Portnow says the United States remains one of the few countries that do not pay a performance fee to artists, which does not put it in good company with other countries. We asked Portnow why he's pushing so hard for a radio fee, how much that should be, how the money should be distributed and if getting the government involved is the right approach. One thing is for sure, Portnow believes strongly a radio performance fee is coming, it's just a matter of when. Listen to our interview with Neil Portnow
(6/12/2014 11:50:18 PM)
Radio isn't the "music discovery" medium it once was. Kids in the hot music demos don't even listen to Radio. Get ready to pay up!
(6/12/2014 9:51:28 PM)
The record industy is ridiculous.
Radio PROMOTES their artists and they CHARGE them for the priviledge of doing so...?!!
The record industry should be paying radio !!
Without radio, half of the crazy rich performers today would be waiting tables.
(6/12/2014 6:18:04 PM)
"Let's make "PAYOLA" legal. If a record company wants their song played on the radio, then pay for it!"
(6/12/2014 4:08:29 PM)
Some guys are hanging on to this like a dog on a bone.
And another thing: What's all this with Justin Bieber? He was fine when we sent him down there.
(6/12/2014 3:48:51 PM)
If we could streamline a payment system that blended publishers, artists, streaming and record companies into one simple fee, I'd be interested. As long as we could begin to charge record companies for air play...and whatever we pay didn't exceed the percentage we currently pay the publishers.
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