?Tis the season of radio summer concerts and festivals. Promotion of these events used to be (relatively) straightforward: Announce the show, plug it on air, maybe place some TV or print ads, and pray for good weather.
Now, people are listening across broadcast, streaming, and mobile apps and interacting with your station via social and mobile channels. Event promotion must evolve to fit the habits of a modern listener. Here are ways to promote your summer concert with social and mobile before, during, and after the event.
Pre-event hype
If your jocks are disciplined and your station?s website is up to date, listeners will know about your summer concert. But what about those who are fans of the artists or have similar taste in music but aren?t listening to your station?
You can reach this audience with targeted social and mobile ads. Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms allow you to target fans of your artists or fans of similar acts (e.g., a fan of Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean might also like Florida Georgia Line).
You can employ mobile advertising to reach targeted demographics and direct them to a mobile website for further event information. The ads and website can be co-branded to give extra value to sponsors.
The mobile website can capture visitors? data for future re-marketing and have social integrations so fans can help promote your event through their personal networks. Social integration should also include specific station social media properties (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and hashtags to help increase listener?s engagement and interaction with the station and each other.
Lastly, you can create a specific text-message database that will send show reminders and updates to those who opt-in to receive them. People who opt-in can be the first to know about pre-sales, set times, artist meet-and-greets, or other insider information.
Engage at the event
Anyone who?s been to a concert in the past few years knows how much time people spend on their phones filming, texting, tweeting, or posting photos to Instagram. You can leverage that fan engagement and user-generated content throughout the event.
Blanket the venue with social and mobile reminders. Attendees aren?t going to go out of their way to remember your Twitter handle or text short code. Include them on everything from tickets and shirts to cups and posters.
Share content with attendees as much as they are sharing with you. Post behind-the-scenes pictures and text them to your database. Make it easy to share these photos through social media to multiply the efficacy of one super fan.
Showcase what fans are sharing. You can post pictures or other social content directly to video screens at the venue to let everyone see what?s happening outside of their small area on the lawn. This content can be pulled directly using keyword or hashtag recognition, or curated to post only the best content.
Give your event staying power
Just because the show?s over doesn?t mean the marketing can?t go on. Post-event marketing can help drive further website visits and expand your email or text databases.
Record your show and broadcast exclusive performances on your station?s mobile app. These performances, interviews, or behind-the-scenes footage can also be sent directly to listeners via text or e-mail. Links should direct fans to the station?s Facebook page or website, where they can easily view and share content with their friends.
You can also capitalize on a powerful brand name or build equity in a new one by re-marketing year-over-year to your mobile database. Ask if they want to receive messages about next year?s show and offer to give them access to special content or incentives throughout the year.
By utilizing these social and mobile marketing tactics, you can transform what was once a ?one-and-done? event, into an ongoing campaign that drives meaningful listener engagement and loyalty.
Gay Gabrilska is vice president of media at Hipcricket, a mobile engagement company. Gay has over 19 years experience in broadcast and mobile promotions and marketing. She can be reached at ggabrilska@hipcricket.com.
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