Well this is a new angle to come at radio for not having to pay artists directly to air their music. SoundExchange CEO Michael Huppe (pictured) was the opening keynote at the New Music Seminar in New York City, Monday, where he actually said FM radio hurts music sales,according to Billboard. Perhaps Huppe is sharpening the presentation he'll be making to Congress on June 25 where he plans to push for "fair pay on radio." Billboard reports, in his keynote, Huppe said FM radio hurts music sales, fails to set trends, and profits enormously to the tune of $17 billion a year while failing to fairly compensate musicians and labels.
According to Billboard, Huppe gave three examples of how FM radio either had no impact or hurt music sales: The 1920s-1940s when the dawn of radio allegedly stalled the sales of records following the the launch of the phonograph; the 1970s UK when commercial radio first hit and had a ?negligible impact on music,? according to a University of Texas study by Stan Liebowitz; and he says Cumulus NASH-FM in New York City has produced no increase on country music sales.
Huppe showed graphs he said demonstrated how artists such as Lorde, Daft Punk, and Brantley Gilert were breaking out on social media and digital platforms before radio began playing their music. Huppe said, ?That is what's upside down, when Lorde and Daft Punk demonstrated that people want to hear their songs, FM radio decided to broadcast their music to millions of people for free without paying artists and labels anything at all.?
Here's the story from Billboard.
Please leave your thoughts and comments below.
(6/10/2014 9:53:18 AM)
Well folks, It may be time to chat w the record companies about all this free advertising the receive...and by free advertising, I mean songs.
(6/10/2014 9:49:40 AM)
Well folks, It may be time to chat w the record companies about all this free advertising the receive...and by free advertising, I mean songs.
(6/10/2014 8:08:55 AM)
He's definitely sharpening SE's lobbying effort...but there are strong indications that the growing usage of such streaming services as Spotify is hurting digital download sales. Many millennials don't have the same need to "own" their music; they just prefer to pay a monthly sub rate and stream what they like, when they like it. Preliminary focus group research I've conducted bears this out. But AM/FM radio doesn't allow this kind of choice, so Huppe would be wrong to apply it unilaterally.
(6/10/2014 6:17:01 AM)
He should be admitted to a hospital for the head injury that has clearly been sustained.
(6/10/2014 5:19:48 AM)
oh michael you're a hoot
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