Nielsen says it has removed the media-affiliated household from the Los Angeles ratings -- but the situation could be more damaging than originally thought. The household in the survey had been part of the PPM panel for "an extended period of time," according to Nielsen. An investigation is now underway that will have Nielsen examining data as far back as a year.
That was one of two households removed from the Los Angeles ratings; one of those households caused the much-publicized delay in the ratings. That household was not media-affilated; it was removed, Nielsen says, because "it did not meet our quality standards." Both that non-media related household and the Univision employee household have been part of the L.A. PPM panel for an extended period of time, so the damage could extend over more than just one book. Nielsen says it will conduct an impact analysis extending back over the last year and will provide the market with that analysis.
The official Nielsen release says, "The behavior of a media-affiliated household not self-reporting is a serious violation of data integrity standards." The company is planning several changes as a result of the L.A. incident, although Nielsen did not specify what those changes would be. "We will be taking a number of actions to minimize the risk of reoccurrence and ensure users of Los Angeles ratings data are adequately and prominently notified. Additionally, Nielsen will be implementing an immediate and aggressive review of our policies and procedures to protect the integrity of our panels. We will be transparent with the industry and share our plans as quickly as possible."
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