There are a few things in life you can always depend on. The sun will rise in the east and set in the west, the Chicago Cubs will never win the World Series and Republican lawmakers will try to defund public broadcasting. Oh wait, it's an election year isn't it. Senator Jim DeMint (pictured) and Representative Doug Lamborn, both Republicans, are calling for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to be defunded in next year?s federal budget. In letters to the chairmen of the Senate and House Appropriations committees, DeMint and Lamborn took issue with CPB?s request for an ?enormous? $445 million.
Here are exerpts from the letter, "Even though media and information have become more accessible than ever, funding for CPB has exploded. While so many Americans are making sacrifices around the country to make ends meet, CPB appears unwilling to do the same. Now is the appropriate and necessary time for the government to end taxpayer subsidies for CPB.?
It's important to note that a recent federal appeals court ruling has allowed public broadcasters to take political ads, that could net quite a bit of money in this election cycle.
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