The new MIW Gender Analysis Study by the Mentoring and Inspiring Women in Radio Group found that 1,807 AM and FM stations had women in GM posts in 2011 -- that's 16.6 percent of the 11,226 stations looked at. That's up slightly from 16.1 percent in 2010, and up from 14.9 percent back in 2004. In the top 100 markets, the trend was also upward: Women managed 17.4 percent of those stations in 2011, up from 16.7 percent in 2010.
Sales management still offers the best opportunities for women, although there was little change from 2004-2011, the report shows; last year, 30.5 percent of stations had female sales managers, a slight increase. In the top 100 markets, 32.1 percent of stations had women in the sales management post last year, also a slight gain.
Women programmed 11.1 percent of AM and FM stations in 2011, up slightly from 10.7 percent in 2004; in the top 100 markets, women program 9.6 percent of stations.
"The MIWs have been analyzing and publishing these gender numbers for the past 12 years," MIW spokesperson and Greater Media VP/Corporate Communications Heidi Raphael said. "It is very encouraging to see the percentages consistenly incrase. We look forward to seeing those numbers continue to grow on a larger scale in the future."
The annual Gender Analysis Study is compiled, analyzed, and released by the MIWs from information provided by MStreet Publications.
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