Clear Channel says iHeartRadio now has 10 million registered users. Even though the app has been out since 2008, users were not required to register until the iHeartRadio Music Festival in Las Vegas last September when Clear Channel upgraded the app allowing users to create their own stations. So for iHeartRadio the climb to 10 million only took 8 months. It certainly doesn't hurt when you have hundreds of radio stations to help promote.
Jacobs Media CEO Fred Jacobs, who will be speaking at Convergence 12 next month, says "We also saw impressive numbers for iheartradio in our recently released Techsurvey8. As streaming becomes a more popular form of accessing audio content, individual apps and iheartradio are helping broadcast radio remain relevant in the digital world."
Clear Channel says the entire iHeartRadio network had more than 45 million monthly digital uniques in April, although they did not specify exactly what they mean by that. iHeartRadio now has over 800 radio stations on the app, with Cumulus stations expected to come onboard in a few months. All curated stations on iHeartRadio remain commercial free. To date, the Pandora app has been accessed more than 100 million times via a smartphone or tablet in the U.S. Listener hours for Pandora during the month of April 2012 were 1.06 billion. Active listeners were 51.9 million at the end of April 2012. Pandora was launched in 2005.
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