Rush Limbuagh was not on the air Monday, Mark Davis filling in. Limbaugh was quietly inducted into a hall of famous Missouri natives in a ceremony held under tight security at the State Capitol in Jefferson City. A bust of Limbaugh will join an exclusive group including writer Mark Twain and former president Harry Truman in the Hall of Famous Missourians.
"I'm stunned. Not speechless, but close to it, quite unable to comprehend this. This is something I never, ever considered would happen to me," Limbaugh said, according to an audio tape of his remarks played to Reuters by Fox.
According to Reuters, Missouri Republican House Speaker Steve Tilley said Limbaugh was honored because he was the "voice of conservative America for more than a decade." Democrats said the award was inappropriate because of his history of his partisan history and penchant for personally attacking those he disagrees with. "That this was done without the general public, shows what an embarrassment it is," said Missouri House of Representatives Minority Leader Mike Talboy.
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