It's a mutually agreed upon seperation between WRKO and morning man Tom Finnerman, the former Speaker of the Massachusetts House. So much so, they issued an amicable joint release about their parting. VP of Programming for Entercom's WRKO sends us the details. "WRKO and Tom Finneran have announced that Finneran will leave the station after his show on Thursday, May 31st. Finneran has been with WRKO, hosting morning drive, since February of 2007." Todd Feinburg will become the sole host of AM drive on WRKO effective Friday, June 1.
Finneran said "Over the past several days, Jason Wolfe and I have been talking about various plans and opportunities which lie ahead for me and for the station. Those opportunities are of interest to me, but are not compatible with the hours I keep and the effort I make to prepare for, and to execute, a well-informed show every morning. I try to learn from history and from our listeners, who in sharing some of their own histories, have been great teachers. I thank them and WRKO for a fast and fun five years."
Wolfe said, ?Tom has worked very hard for WRKO these last five years and he did an excellent job. I?ve appreciated the opportunity to work with him, and on behalf of all of us at WRKO, we wish him nothing but the best in all his future endeavors.?
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