Country consultant Jaye Albright, in her blog today, writes about "negative advertising," using the Houston country radio battle as a good example. "If you haven't checked out the Houston country battle lately, it's time to do some listening and thinking about what you'll hear." The big question is, does blasting your competitor hurt or help you in the ratings? And is beating up a station playing the same music you play good for the radio business? Ever see a local TV anchor make fun of a competing local TV anchor?
Albright says, "For several years on KKBQ/Cox PD Johnny Chiang has been saying things like: ?We play the most music guaranteed in Houston, KILT plays the most commercials, up to 15 just last hour! We are the new 93Q. Now, something new on KILT/CBS PD Mark Adams' imaging: ?Did you know the other station talked about KILT 28 times yesterday? [Various mock announcer voices] Yesterday, in the 12 noon hour, Kilt played? In the 4 o?clock hour, Kilt played? Friday morning, Kilt played? Kilt played? Kilt played? [V/o] Wow. WE don?t even talk about us that much." As a General Manager, would you allow this to happen at your station?
As Albright points out in her blog, it's a political year. "Barack is already talking about Mitt and Romney is responding in kind about Obama nearly every day. We all say we hate negative ads and yet, admit it, just as I do, you love watching Frank Luntz conduct focus groups for Fox News which will take what real people say, whether factual or not, and turn them into effective messages which get votes. The difference, of course, is that an election is one day when a candidate needs specific people to be passionate enough about an issue to take a specific action."
"Let's watch the Houston numbers in the coming months and see what these new tactics do to real listening, in addition to perceptions, which drive elections and diary ratings but do they impact actual usage, 24/7 too? Obviously, Johnny and Mark appear to think they do."
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(5/30/2012 7:06:04 AM)
I am the former PD at the former KIKK in Houston in the early 90's and a little of what you are talking about started even then and I did not like it. I guess I'm just old school having spent over 40 years in radio. I NEVER want to acknowledge the competition in any form on the air. Plug yourself not them.
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