The Daily News is reporting it has obtained -- and verified -- tape of a call Adam Lanza made to Oregon University radio station KWVA-FM, using the name Greg, one year before he went on a shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Lanza, according to the paper, compared ?a teenage mall shooter? to Travis, a chimpanzee who ripped the face off a Connecticut woman in 2009.
Here is a quote from Lanza that the Daily News says is Lanza calling the radio station. "His attack can be seen entirely parallel to the attacks and random acts of violence that you bring up on your show every week, committed by humans, which the mainstream also has no explanation,? Lanza says of Travis at one point. "I just ... don?t think it would be such a stretch to say that he very well could have been a teenage mall shooter or something like that.?
Read more at the Daily News website
(1/16/2014 12:03:00 PM)
To George:
As a taxpayer of Connecticut and a grandson of two people who knew the families of some of these children (went to same church) I can assure you its not fake you naive asshole! I have witnessed first had the sescturction behind this act toward these young children. To say this is an act and we are the stupid ones is a stupid statement in itself. You fuck ass. You know nothing and need to be taught a lesson in respect.
obama really thinks Americans are this stupid???? This is just another crisis actor scene and Lanza is MADE UP. Also, there are plenty of sites that show you how you can manipulate photos to look as GOOFY as this lanza fake photo they are trying to pass off. What a scam
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