Southern California Broadcasters Association President Thom Callahan took issue with the recent Borrell Report (SEE OUR STORY HERE) in a post on Don Barrett's L.A. Radio website. Barrett's column pointed out that L.A. radio revenue was once $1 billion and in 2013 it's projected to be only $640 million. Borrell predicted that radio would be treading water over the next five years. Callahan told Barrett, ?It is easy to project the future when you don?t divulge how you arrive at your projections. I can only tell you what I hear from our member stations and that is optimism, based on ratings growth, improving revenue, and an exceptional new generation of salespeople that is giving the market new energy and results.?
Callahan also told Barrett radio is not in a 13-year decline as the Borrell Report indicates. ?The Borrell ?study? states that radio?s revenue decline began as early as 2006 and suggests it can?t all be blamed on the recession. Well, the fact is that 2007 was the radio industry?s greatest revenue year ever! All the trades should make a pledge that if they print negatives about radio, they should also report the positives as well. I think that is called being ?fair?.?
To be fair, most trades, including this one, always print positive stories about the radio industry and are often accused of carrying the water for the industry. One fact is clear, in the past few years radio has been, at best, flat, when other industries have seen tremendous revenue growth.
Read the full Barrett piece HERE. (You'll need to scroll down a few stories)
Thom Callahan has written a blog about the Southern California economy HERE
(1/11/2014 10:59:47 AM)
I thought that Bob Struble's shyster technology was supposed to save the radio industry.
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