As quickly as the musicFIRST blog was posted, the NAB's Dennis Wharton responded. ?If the charge is that local radio plays popular music that listeners enjoy, we plead guilty. Local radio remains the number one source for exposing new music, according to Nielsen's Music 360 Report and EMI's million fan study. Bottom line: hometown radio stations that are free to the listener will continue to cater our programming to a growing audience of more than 240 million people who tune in every week.?
Wharton provided pages of articles and stories from artists and others, "documenting radio?s enduring power as the No. 1 source for exposing new music."
?I want to thank country radio and also pop radio and also Hot AC and AC radio because the fact that all of those different genres of music played songs off of my album makes me not have to think about genre when I?m writing songs. It just allows me to think about writing songs.?
-- Taylor Swift accepting Country Female Artist of the Year Award at the 2013 American Music Awards, November 24, 2013
?The U.S. has the most dynamic, thriving recorded music industry in the world and we don?t have a terrestrial radio performance right. It?s easy to bash radio and say the U.S. is in the same company as North Korea [and the few other countries without a radio royalty]. But there are a lot of artists and labels that have done very well with the current system.?
- Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosatiformer partner and former VP of business and legal affairs at the RIAA Gary Greenstein, Future Of Music Coalition Summit, October 28, 2013
?We opened up all the windows and let all the fans listen to it, and we just partied. Every time I hear it, I blast it out like I?m the biggest Paramore fan in the world.?
- Paramore frontwoman Hayley Williams on hearing ?Misery Business? on the radio the first time, October 11, 2013
"You can see a direct correlation. If you looked at a terrestrial radio audience chart and at the iTunes top 10 singles chart, I would say 75 percent of it matches up."
- RCA Records Executive Vice President & General Manager Joe Riccitelli, September 26, 2013
Radio "still has massive reach in the local community" and "the top of the food chain" for making hits.
- Island Def Jam?s Steve Bartels, NAB Radio Show, September 18, 2013
?There's nothing else that can bring you new listeners."
- Big Sean, NAB Radio Show, September 18, 2013
?I?m on the radio I can?t believe it! It feels like the first time!?
- Tweet from Lady Gaga on release of single ?Applause,? August 12, 2013
?They?ve [Radio programmers have] been good to me for 20 years. And I got news for you. I got 20 more years to go.? McGraw thanked a local radio station for spinning his tunes. ?They played the (expletive) out of this next song.?
- Country radio star Tim McGraw, Riverbend, May 26, 2013, http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20130526/ENT03/305260060/Review-Tim-McGraw-lets-20-years-songs-star-Riverbend
"I was riding around in my truck the other day and ?Cruise? came on. I cranked that thing up.?
- Florida Georgia Line member Brian Kelley, http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50144201n
"To get to your fans, you have to go through radio, and this is a fan-based business."
- Thompson Square member Keifer Thompson, http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50144201n
"The radio is what you?re always striving to get to?once you get to radio, that?s the top of the mountain?"
- Country artist Dustin Lynch, http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50144201n
"Internet, Twitter and everything else put together doesn't equal what country radio does for us as artists and as an industry."
- Country artist Kix Brooks, Radio Ink, http://www.radioink.com/Article.asp?id=2635542&spid=30800
"When you hear your song on the radio, it's amazing. When you get the call that a radio station is adding your music, it's right up there with learning about having a child."
- Glassnote Founder/CEO Daniel Glass, SXSW "Navigating The Waters Of Radio To Your Benefit" panel, http://www.allaccess.com/net-news/archive/story/116420/radio-s-clout-hailed-at-sxsw
"?believing in me when there wasn't much to believe in."
- Tim McGraw thanking country music DJs Lorianne Crook and Charlie Chase for helping launch his music career in 1993, 2013 Country Radio Hall of Fame induction ceremony, http://www.radioink.com/Article.asp?id=2622761&spid=30800
?While it might not be the only place for listening and discovering, it is still the most important place?We couldn?t have the success that we have without Country radio. There is no way.?
- Big Machine Label Group founder Scott Borchetta, Radio Ink, February 18, 2013
"I want to thank all the people who help us to do what we do, our whole team. I want to thank all of country radio, Southern Ground, all our folks back home.?
-- Zac Brown Band frontman Zac Brown at the 2013 Grammys http://www.theboot.com/2013/02/10/zac-brown-band-grammys-2013-win-country-album/
?Republic is an amazing place to work. It?s a family team. Monte Lipman and Avery provide a platform for us to do incredible things. It starts with radio, but the idea is to develop these artists full circle across radio, video, digital platforms and beyond. We make sure to expand our goals, but we always stick to the company mantra, ?We break new artists?. It is an honor to be a part of that process.?
-- Republic Record Senior Vice President Radio/Video Promotion David Nathan, November 27, 2012, http://rbr.com/recording-exec-on-promo-it-starts-with-radio/
"The first time I ever heard my song on the radio, I thought I was dreaming, but I was wide awake. I was in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I turned, and I heard my song."
- Usher, iHeartRadio music festival, October 1, 2012
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