Politco says the on-air battle between the two conservative talkers has turned personal. They quote both men taking shots at each other and using the airwaves to air their disagreements. Hannity saying Savage is obsessed with him and the Dickey's are bitter. Savage told Politico, ?My competitor doesn?t have the capacity to go beyond the Democrat-Republican talking points. That?s all he?s ever done. That?s all he can do. He has no education. I?m just going to lay it on the line, I?m not going to mince words.?
Savage went on to say, ?You could say, well, I?m a snob. Well, ok, I?m proud of my doctorate, two master?s degrees, I?m proud of my 28 books, including many in health. And so, yeah, I?m proud of my academic achievements. I believe it?s embarrassing for people to act as experts, even in politics, if they don?t have a rigorous training in anything.?
Hannity says, ?Here?s the bottom line. I love everybody in this business. This guy is obsessed with me, I?m not obsessed with him. And, you know, I understand the Dickeys are bitter because I left.? There has always been a disagreement between Cumulus and Hannity about who left who when that deal came to an end.
Politico also quotes a segment from last Wednesday's radio show, hinting he's talking about Savage. ?Here?s a mystery that we will one day unfold to you. Who is the phony conservative radio host, who is this guy, who once went ? really old man, bitter, angry, pathetic ? that once went skinny-dipping, claims to be, he?s a phony conservative ? according to reports, we?re only beginning our research, we?re going to get to the bottom of it, and then we?re going to have real, real fun.?
Picture courtesy Politico
(1/27/2014 6:55:22 AM)
I think Savage's show is better. The problem I'm finding is that some claimed he would be on in Hannity's time slot, but I'm having a hard time finding him on the air at that time. If he was truly replacing Hannity in the drive time slot on ALL stations around the country, that would be great. And Savage is right. He tells it like it is, and is not party-loyal like Hannity is. I think people are afraid of Savage because they know he has the brains to challenge them one-on-one.
(1/27/2014 6:19:07 AM)
Wow. Conservatives can't go skinny-dipping?
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