Nielsen has been recapping its Holiday book which runs between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The ratings firm says radio?s Christmas music audience has been trending down for the past three years: "Combining the shares for AC and Soft AC?the two formats that devote more stations to Christmas programming than any other?the holiday programming pie was nearly a full share-point smaller this season compared with 2011." Nielsen admits the drop may have had something to do with the shorter holiday season. In 2013 there was a little less than four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 2012 was just shy of five weeks. Here is the three-year trend of Adult Contemporary (6+ share) Holiday listening from the 48 PPM markets.
2011 - 12.8%
2012 - 12.7%
2013 - 12.1%
Soft AC
2011 - 1.3%
2012 - 1.1%
2013 - 1.1%
2011 - 14.1%
2012 - 13.8%
2013 - 13.2%
(1/24/2014 3:55:11 PM)
Anything from that 1960's hippie wannabe?
(1/24/2014 10:19:13 AM)
What Nielsen failed to also point out is that there are fewer AC stations in 2013 than there were in 2011. There are also 97 more radio stations on the air in 2013(10,870)than were on the air in 2011(10,773). They also do not account for stations outside of these two formats who went all Xmas including those stations who are reported as Hot AC. But don't kid yourself, those stations that do All Christmas right see a jump in both market share and to the bottom line.
(1/24/2014 9:55:00 AM)
Sorry, boys.
As hard as RadioInk tried to make a negative out of a positive, it won't work.
Numbers are in for all-Christmas format:
Portland 15.1, 19.3 share in Salt Lake City..19.3!
Kansas City, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Sacramento, Charlotte and many more with double digit, record shares with the holiday format. Name one market that plays hiphop with those numbers.
You guys really do distort things and spin negative. Anyone ever tell you that, Ed?
Of course it's on the decline. 10-12 years ago it was something unique. Something that the AC station at the group where I worked flipped to on Thanksgiving. Then everybody got into the act. It became a battle of who would flip first. Now you have stations going Christmas before kids have even trick or treated to play what... five versions each of maybe 50 different songs over and over for two full months? How many time can you listen to "Let It Snow" and "12 Days of Christmas" before your Yule-O-Meter is pegged? More radio lunacy.
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