Radio hears it all the time: Young people are not listening to the radio anymore. When it comes to country, that's not the case, according to new data from Edison Research. "12-to-24-year-olds who say they listen frequently to country music are significantly more likely to have listened to FM radio in the last week than the 12-to-24 demo overall." Edison Research's "Understanding Country Radio's Next Generation of Listeners" will be unveiled at CRS next month. A follow-up session will be held February 20.
What does Edison Research President Larry Rosin (pictured) have to say about the survey? ?Even as their choices expand, country listeners of all ages have often been among the most loyal to broadcast radio, and 12-to-24-year-olds are no exception. This study shows, however, that with the strength of today?s country music, millennial listeners are eager to consume it on many platforms. We hope our CRS presentation will give programmers the tools they need to maintain their advantage with younger listeners.?
Edison surveyed 1,550 12-34-year-olds, including nearly 900 respondents under age 25. In addition, Edison conducted face-to-face interviews with millennials about their attitudes towards country music, Country radio, and music listening and media habits in general. Those interviews will be unveiled for the first time at the Country Radio Seminar presentation.
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