That was one of the big questions put to several Hispanic Radio CEOs at the Radio Ink Hispanic Radio Conference in San Diego this week. It's no secret the Hispanic population is one of the most digital-savvy segments in America, and with Nielsen gearing up to start offering online ratings, it's crucial Hispanic broadcasters are ready to deliver their product in every way possible. What plans do the CEOs of radio's major Hispanic companies have to pull more listeners in?
The "Group Heads" session was moderated by Hispanic broadcast pioneer Eduardo Caballero and included Jeffery Liberman, COO of Entravision, Christine McMurray, President of the Davidson Media Group, Jay Meyers, CEO of Adelante Media Group, and Carlos Rodriguez, CEO of R Communications.
Entravision's Liberman said that there are several things that can be done. First, HD Radio. ?You can add additional channels that can target and serve different parts of the population.? Liberman says succeeding at digital also means bringing the advertiser along. ?Entravision is now providing clients different ways to advertise to the Latino population, such as search engine optimization, audio content streaming, texting campaigns, and display advertising using big data.
R Communications' Rodriguez said Hispanic operators need to develop new methods of distribution to pull in more listeners. ?Radio reaches consumers all times of the day, and they are avid users of social media. Big companies have developed new channels of media distribution; smaller operators have to also offer this to be cost-effective. Hispanics are finding ways to connect with each other, and new media is extremely important to reach this group.?
Davidson's McMurray said it's important to be knee-deep in social media as well. ?We?ve got to stay on top of the trends because this is where our Hispanic audiences live. So if Hispanic broadcasters are going to be successful, we?ve got to be involved with social media because 90 percent of our audiences live there.? McMurray said her company is developing a Spanish version of Groupon for listeners. She emphasized that what Hispanic operators have that the general market does not, is a far better connection with listeners through social media platforms. ?We have a better opportunity than anybody to reach our listeners.?
Adelante's Meyers said digital is only going to help grow new revenue. ?Hispanic operators will have an edge because new media is a platform Hispanics embrace as a part of their lifestyle.?
Rosemary Scott, EVP Rsearch for R Communications contributed to this story
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