Yesterday we told you about a San Diego candidate for Mayor - City Councilman David Alvarez - who criticized local radio stations for not even calling on him during his run for Mayor. Well, you know what they say about politicians when their lips are moving. After investigating this a little further, we found out that not only did the local San Diego radio stations call on him, Alvarez actually ran commercials with at least one radio group in which ad buys were placed through two different advertising agencies. Kudos to the Hispanic Radio stations in San Diego.
(3/14/2014 12:24:34 PM)
or was it that the agency was approached by radio stations but were turned down by said agency...based on what i know about agencies they do not believe in radio as a major player...so i bet the agency never approached their client with the fact radio came knocking. after all that is why a client hires an agency...to handle the all media inquiries and placement!
(3/13/2014 10:08:11 AM)
Well he did say he used radio as well as other media. He said they had to decide to use radio themselves. No one from radio came to sell him on using radio for his campaign. He had to seek radio out. Ad agencies who produced his commercial (I assume) placed the buy on the Hispanic radio stations. Radio just took the gravy ...
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