What should you be doing on the big and vibrating Facebook that dominates your market every single day and night to take advantage of what?s happening? You should get on the move with a plan to really engage listeners on their level and in their lives. Validate them, engage them, boost some fun into their lives and invite them ? for real and through simply the way you ?act? on Facebook ? to come on back to the real social party on your station!
1. Talk ?Em Up!
Talk to listeners. Don?t talk ?at? them. You know we are all guilty of being ?up here? and going old-school on listeners, always talking about what we want to talk about. One of the hardest lessons you can teach yourself in social media and on Facebook is learning to truly engage with the power of being a part of the conversation. Not the conversation.
2. Responding Before The S.O.S.
When someone sends an S.O.S., it?s easy for all of us to understand the time has arrived to respond. However, most media and local businesses on social media are not good at recognizing why people spend so much time on Facebook and why a large part of it is the migration of validation to the digital. Tapping into where local listeners see their identities, how they engage and why is very critical, but it?s also important to join the conversation and respond to them. Complaints, concerns, frustrations, important events, things they value?comment on their status, what?s happening with them. Join the conversation and watch your value grow.
3. Give A Little Love
Why not spike them with a little love? Listeners love attention. Don?t you? Give it to them with a reward. Not just a contest. Give them something special. We?re in a business of creativity. It doesn?t take much and you have a lot. Prize closet? Sponsor with something special? You?re a Country station? What if you dropped a pair of concert tickets on someone who is obviously a major country fan and hyper-engaged with tons of people on Facebook who could be your listeners?if you only had a cheerleader to talk you up!? Think of inventive little ?gifts? to offer them just because they are hanging out and you see them.
4. Create The Road Map
You know I am going to say it: Have a plan. A strategy. Build your own strategy to meet the personalities of your morning show, your radio station, your ?vibe.? And to match the people you most want to attract to your radio station.
If you don?t have a plan, don?t panic. You?ve been doing social media your entire career. It?s called radio! Consider Facebook an extension of your radio station and a yellow brick road to invite listeners on a journey with your brand. Don?t let others stop you. Digital is here to stay. Jump in and be a real person. Find out what is happening. Be a part of what is going on. People notice when you are engaged. Facebook gives you so many opportunities to join the party and influence others to use your station, your morning show, your at-work midday show, or whatever more, more, more.
Make the most of your time on Facebook. It might be a waste of time for others, but not you. This is your opportunity to build value with your growing audience and advertisers and you shouldn?t miss it.
Loyd Ford is the direct marketing, ratings and social media strategist for Americalist Direct Marketing and has programmed very successful radio brands in markets of all sizes, including KRMD AM & FM in Shreveport, and WSSL and WMYI in Greenville, WKKT in Charlotte and WBEE in Rochester, NY. Learn more about Loyd here: http://about.me/loydford. Get his radio-social media content sent directly to your smart phone or email for free here: www.rainmakerpathway.wordpress.com. Reach out to Loyd via e-mail HERE. Visit his Facebook radio social media page HERE.
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