You'd never know it if you listened to how sports talkers use the two social media, but Facebook is, by far, the dominant social media choice of Sports Talk listeners. For the hosts, they clearly prefer Twitter. Some rarely even mention Facebook during their shows. Larry Rosin brought along some deep detail from the 2014 Infinite Dial study Edison Research recently completed with Triton Digital. The social media data for Sports Talk listeners was very interesting and quite surprising.
According to the survey, 56 percent of Sports Talk listeners use Facebook. And despite what the kids might be claiming, 58 percent of the 12-plus demo is on Facebook. LinkedIn came in second with the Sports Talk crowd at 22 percent. Twitter was fifth at 18 percent. When asked if they ever post on Twitter, 9 percent of the Sports Talk listeners in the survey said they did; yet when they were asked how often they heard Twitter being talked about in the media, 50 percent said they hear about Twitter almost every day.
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